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The Flight Physics Concept Inventory



Aerodynamic Stall

This video shows what happens at a critical angle of attack.

Barn door VS Wing: What flies better?

What generates more aerodynamic lift or drag at a certain speed?
What wing has the best properties for which circumstances?


Was passiert beim kritischen Anstellwinkel (AoA)?

Flügel VS Scheunentor

Welches Profil mehr Auftrieb oder Widerstand bei einer bestimmten Geschwindigkeit?
Welcher Flügel hat die besten Eigenschaften unter bestimmten Umständen?

Fails for Concept Inventory (digital) Data Encoding (AAPT WM21 talk)

This will be a humbling talk. We take you on our journey of fails in digital and analogue data collection, encoding and scoring as well as procedures and ideas of fixing them. We answer questions like: “How can I reach sufficient encoding redundancy?”, “How to estimate the coding error probability?”, “What are the pitfalls in (digital) data scoring?”, “What metadata might become useful for my analysis?” Or as Springuel, Wittmann & Thompson (2019, p.2) would say: “[D]ata encoding is often neglected or taken for granted, even though this step forms an important bridge between the data collection and analysis.”